
Showing posts from 2005

Independence of thought

Human Thought -- One of the few things in this world that has never been under anybody's control , except ofcourse under the control of the mind it has originated from.Thinking ofcourse is what makes us decide what we want to do.This independence of thought is what makes us different from the next person.This is what has driven us all through history of humanity. This is what has defined the very term "HUMAN". But what happens when such thoughts are curtailed? What happens when the independence is no longer a luxury one cannot afford? What happens if what makes you is decided by others ? When do YOU die and the shell u leave behind is run by others around you ? Yeah , sometimes there is a need for others to say what is the right thing to do.After all , independent , though we may be mentally, we are all dependent on others around us to survive.And hence there are rules , dictated by the collective good. What i like to discuss is what happens when Individuality is surpress...