I have wanted to write about this topic for such a long time. And after seeing what priya had written , About racism in India, I thought there would not be much that I could add to it, But I think I might. And here it goes. I would like to begin with the comment I have made on his post. "humans by nature ,discriminate. we group similar things,we divide dissimilar things. we don't even realize that we are doing that. if it ends there then we would be a much more intelligent society " Y es, if it ends there we would be a much more intelligent society. What this basic instinct , to categorize everything around us, becomes is very interesting. It begins out as a simple distinction, (self) recognition. The concept of I (or ME. Which basically sets us humans apart from most of the animals) invariantly develops into , someone like me. And then perhaps mutates into the concept of US, and eventually the concept someone UNLIKE US. And I guess there is also another instinct in us ...